Mbay IEDZ is identical to Ngada District which lays on Western Flores island located at 120° 45' - 121° 50' East langtitute and 8° - 9° South Latitude.
The climate in Mbay IEDZ differs between the highland and lowland region.
On the highland regencies of Ngada bawa, Golewa, Bajawa, Boawae and Soa the wet season start in October and last until May, has a duration of approximately 4 months, have an avegare rain fall of 1,300 - 1,700 mm/year in 90-100 days/year.
On the lowland regencies of Riung and Aesesa, Aimere, Mauponggo and Nangaroro have dry season of 7 - 9 mount.
The avegare rain fall in the Northern lowland regencies Riung and Aesesa range from 450 to 600 mm/year in 60 - 90 days/year, while in the Southern lowland regencies Mauponggo, Nangaroro, and Aimere, range 1,200-1,950 mm/year in the same amount of raining days.
The avegare rai fall of Mbay IEDZ rages 450 - 1,950 mm/year in 60 - 110 days/year.
The temperature in the highland regencies range 10° - 30°C , while in the lowland
range 228° - 37°C.
The average humidity in Mbay IEDZ is 83%, maximum 92% in lowland regencies and minimun in highland regencies 76%.
The average sunshine is 44%, maximum 60% in August and January 16%.
The Mbay IEDZ has the smallest population among Flores's Districts and the lowest population density, with 212,271 inhabitants and 70 person per square kilometre. During last 10 years the population increased 2%/year.
The age profile in 1997 shows that 35% of the population in Mbay IEDZ is aged 15 years or less, 54% aged 16-54 years and 11 % older than 55 years.
The infant mortality rate per thousand dropped from 132 to 72 and the life expectancy at birth increased from 47.9 years to 59.5 years between 1980 - 1990, which is quite significant compare to the international standards.
This is a remarkable health outcome and reflects better education and primary health care facilities. 74.89% of the population attending primary school was 74.89 %, completing junior high school 7.19%, senior high school 7.48% and academic level 1.53%. (1995)
The majority of workforce 82.26% works in primary sector, 6.92% in secondary sector and 10.82% tertiary sectors. (1997)
The average economic growth of the Mbay IEDZ between 1993 and 1996 was 7.5%/year.
The Mbay IEDZ and vicinity, includes largely the arable land, permits cultivation of a range of cash ceops, such as : coffee, cacau, candle nuts, cashew nuts, coconuts, vanilla, tropical fruits and bamboo are among the commodities which present good apportunities for tons.
Coffee is grown on approximately 19,500 ha of smallhorder estates, with a total annual productionof 10,000 tons.
Cocoa is cultivated on 10,000 ha land with a yearly harvest of 2,200 tons.
Coconust are planted on 56,300 ha land withh an annual production of 35,000 tons.
Cashew nust are grown on 18,300 ha small holder estates, with a production of 6,500 tons per annum.
Candle nuts are grown on 12,000 ha extensive land, with a yearly harvest of 6,000 tons.
There is ample fodder for livestock in the island's extensive grasslands, fields and scrub forests. Particularly the District of Ngada have approximately 20,000 ha of land suitable for development of mini-ranches for up to 15,000 heads of cattle.
In the forestry sector, bamboo holds a great deal of promise, particularly in the District of Ngada, extend for approximately 9,000 ha with an annual production capacity of 200,000 tons.
The fisheries sector offers not less promising investment opportunities for the harvests of grouper, snapper, skipjack, tripang, lobster, tuna, napoleon and a variety of ornament fishes.
The Flores Sea and Sabu Sea offers a sustainable yield of 96,000 ton. Only less than 30% that has so far been tapped.
Further avenues of tourism investment can be found in all the Districts: Komodo National Park and Riung Nature Conservation Park and wildlife sanctuaries in hosting the Komodo-Dragons, the latter also offers a series of magnificent dive spots in Riung Marine Park; the Three Colour Lake on Kelimutu Mountain in Eude; the world famous dive spots in Maumere Bay; and the traditional wale hunting in Lamalera

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